5. Gulal
The Divine energy Principle in the Universe is attracted to the fragrant particles in the subtle air generated by the gulal. Also, the dormant frequencies enriched with Chaitanya in the atmosphere become mobile because of the gulal. Thus the worshipper benefits from them.
6. Gandha
‘When gandha is applied to the midbrow region of the Deity in the picture or the Idol, due to the qualities of the substance from which it is made, its subtle scent and its specific color, the Surya nadi of the Deity is activated. Consequently, the Principle of the Deity is attracted to the photo or the Idol of the Deity in which they get activated. Amongst the different types of gandhs applied to Deities, ashtagandha and sandalwood gandha are the most sattva predominant.
7. Perfume
What is the Science in offering perfume to Deities? :
Fragrance and sound please the Deities. As the frequencies of fragrance are associated with the Absolute Earth element they give the benefit of the Chaitanya at the physical body level to the embodied soul. Avoid offering perfume with a strong odor for the following reasons. The frequencies emitted by perfume with a strong odour attract only the ‘with attributes’ Principle of the Deity whereas frequencies emitted by a mild and pleasant perfume attract the attributeless Principle of the Deities in the Universe in a very short time and help the embodied soul to retain the benefit of the Chaitanya for a longer time.
What fragrance perfume should be offered to which Deity?
Deity Fragrance of perfume that attracts the Principle of the Deity to a greater extent Deity Fragrance of perfume that attracts the Principle of the Deity to a greater extent
- Shriram Jai
- Hanuman Chameli
- Shiva Kevada
- Shri Durga Mogra
- Shri Lakshmi Gulab
- Shri Ganapati Heena
- Datta Vala
- Shrikrushna Chandan
Note 1 : Offer nine flowers to the energy forms of Shri Durgadevi (Primal energy). The number ‘9’ indicates the actual function in duality of Sri Durgadevi through Her other forms. Hence, it is appropriate to offer nine flowers to Her forms – Goddess’ Mahakali, Saraswati, Mahalakshmi and Lakshmi.
Why should flower buds not be plucked after sunset? : ‘At Brahmamuhurt, that is between 4 and 6 a.m., the pavitrake of Deities descend to the earth in greater proportions. The pavitrake of Deities are attracted only to those flowers which have the potential to absorb them. The radiance of the Sun causes disintegration of the raja–tama particles in the atmosphere. Hence, the period before sunset is more sattva predominant than after it. After sunset the raja-tama predominance in the atmosphere increases. Consequently, the atmosphere gets polluted due to increased movement of negative energies. That is why, after sunset the flower buds get contaminated with raja-tama particles. This reduces their ability to attract pavitrake of Deities. For this reason the flower buds are usually not plucked after sunset.
Why should dried or worm infested leaves, flowers and fruits not be used in the ritualistic worship of God?
‘Always offer the best to Deities. They subtly partake what is offered to them and then pleased with the offering, they bless the devotee.
The pranvayu in the leaves, flowers and fruits is responsible for the absorption of sattva frequencies and the specific Deity Principle from the Universe. The dhananjayvayu from these substances transmits these frequencies and the Principle. Fresh leaves, flowers and fruits have over 70% pranvayu and dhananjayvayu in them. Thus leaves, flowers and fruits are storehouses of the sattvikta
and frequencies of the Principle. When these substances are affected by raja-tama components at the subtle level, they get spoilt at the gross level. Consequently, their capacity to absorb the sattva frequencies and frequencies of the Principle of the Deity is lowered. No one benefits from use of such substances. Deities partake the offerings subtly and are not pleased with such offerings and therefore do not bless the devotee.’
I. Patri (Specific leaves offered during worship)
Which and how many patri should be offered to which Deity? : It is beneficial to offer the patri of those flower plants which are favourite of the Deity. Patri is related to the colour particles, whereas the flowers are related to the fragrant particles. Colour particles Fragrant particles
- Characteristic of the frequencies emitted Related to the halo of the Deity Carrier of light
- Function To help immediately manifest the sagun form of the Deity To invoke the Deity to function
It is necessary to offer five part patri to the Deity. This kind of patri denotes the five Cosmic elements, that are – the Absolute Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. By offering five part patri
to the Deity, it manifests with the help of the five Cosmic elements and through the medium of light in a form as required by the embodied soul. The frequencies emitted by this form are delivered to the embodied soul through the medium of the frequencies emitted by the flowers. That is why, by offering both patri and flowers the embodied soul derives maximum benefit from the ‘with attributes’ as well as the ‘attributeless’ Principle of God, that is, of the radiant Principle. Hence, inclusion of patri and flowers in the ritualistic worship is a must.