About Us

We watch and participate in each and every making process.

We collect and buy herbs where it is produced and collect them into the constellations(Nakshatra), which makes the material auromatic, juicy and full of energy. What you see and experience at the time of use of Dhoop and hawan samgri and the Cowdong cacke. When some wood is burning at the bottom with the Cowdong cacke and a mixture of flora is being added from the top, we get a direct look and feel.
We at Gaureesh like to provide that experience of divinity and healthy atmosphier for that we use the best matterial and high quality process so that actual benefits of our Vedic science can be taken. This is possible only by mixing the right ingredients. We have done research work on the subject and finally prepared the Gaureesh products. What to burn below and what to pour from the top. Which can give us scientific and spiritual benefits?
There is a continuous decline in the quality of material used in these Vedic practises, the adultration is so much that in some cases the harmful gases come out from the yajana and the performer gets sik. Normally the oils from the herbs are extracted and than sold in the market, again this kind of matterial is of no use.
Due to the adultrated ingredients, the nature of worship, the spirit of worship, the purpose left behind, the power, enthusiasm, results that should be achieved is decreased.
Gaureesh products Dhoop, yagya, havan samagri and Cowdong cacke is prepaired at our units in accordance with the Vedic principles. Very high quality controle systems are used to moniter the production process.
Numbers Speak For Themselves!

Certified Products
100% Organic and Hand made
We Deal With Various Premium Quality Vedic Products!

- Vedic Dhoop
- Vedic Hawan Samagri
- Cowdong Cake
- Hydrosol Water
- Organic tea
- Poojan Samagri
- Essantial Oil
- Fragrance